NB5042 NILS CAMP is a steel carabiner with a safety mechanism. Locking carabiner. Its weight / strength ratio is very favorable. The product weighs 9g only and its maximum load is 500 kg. It is very easy to use. The most frequently applied to connect ropes. NB5042 can be also used for various physical activities as well as to install a swing in a garden.Specification: Material: steel, galvanized coating Dimensions: 8.9 x 4.3 cm Clearance: 10 mm Safety: locking carabiner Maximal load: 500 kg Product weight: 9 g Remarks: Not for the commercial use 24 months warranty Importer: Abisal Ltd. | Poland | 41-807 Zabrze | Pyskowicka Street 17 | e-mail: abisal@abisal.pl Abisal Ltd.. declares that the products sold by the company are safe and meet the requirements contained in the Act on General Product Safety of December 12, 2003. (Journal of Laws of December 31, 2003)